EGCO Corporate Governance EN

116 Good Corporate Governance Principles and Code of Business Ethics (Edition 2022) It is not the Company’s policy to accept money or any forms of donations or supports from a client, supplier, partner, or others in any government and private sectors for any purposes whatsoever. 2.1 Donations and supports must be in line with the Company’s policy. 2.2 The amount of money or items of the donation or support, valid purposes, a specific time frame of the activity, as well as names of people, agencies or organizations requesting for the donation or support for such stated purposes must be specified. 2.3 There must be documented evidence after the donation is accepted such as a receipt or other types of legitimate evidence such as a Thank You letter, news, photo, etc. 2.4 Donations and supports must be approved by the authorized person according to the Company’s Table of Authority or regulation. 3. Receiving Donation and Support