EGCO Corporate Governance EN

85 General Principles Good Corporate Governance Principles Directors’ Code of Business Ethics Appendix Code of Business Ethics Anti-Corruption Electricity Generating Public Company Limited The Company respects of individual rights and equality of its conduct towards the Personnel, from recruitment to performance evaluation, promotion and renumeration, without discrimination on the ground of sex, age, ethnicity, religion. The Company aspires to make the enterprise a knowledge hub in support of the Personnel’s career path and optimal performance. The Company puts in place communications platforms to gather Personnel’s feedbacks and complaints. These feedbacks and inputs are incorporated in improvement effort for collective benefit. To build an enabling work environment, the Company prescribes the following conduct for EGCO Personnel: 2.2.1 Not doing any act that violates or harasses, verbally or acting against others on the ground of ethnicity, sex, religion, age, physical and mental disability. 2.2.2 Perform duty in good faith, honesty, attention, to generate value, efficiency and towards the organization’s excellence. 2.2.3 Not making unfounded accusation against others. 2.2.4 Be part of fostering and maintaining an environment of solidarity and unity within EGCO Group. 2.2.5 Protect one’s honor and social recognition by avoiding behavior or action that may affect the Company’s reputation or business. 2.2.6 Not disclosing information or privacy information without consent, which may harm the image of the Personnel, or corporate reputation, except where disclosure is mandatory by law. 2.2 Personnel